Study type: Epidemiological study (observational study)

[Specific symptoms and radiation from mobile basis stations in Selbitz, Bavaria, Germany: evidence for a dose-effect relationship] epidem.

Spezifische Symptome und Mobilfunkstrahlung in Selbitz (Bayern) - Evidenz für eine Dosiswirkungsbeziehung

Published in: Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft 2010; 23 (2): 130-139
Journal partially peer-reviewed/peer-review process unclear

Aim of study (acc. to author)

A survey was conducted in Selbitz, Germany, to evaluate health symptoms in relation to residential proximity to mobile phone base stations.

Further details

The residents of Selbitz were asked to fill in questionnaires on their health symptoms. The exposure groups were categorized according to the distance of the address to the base station and the measured data.

Endpoint/type of risk estimation



Exposure groups

Group Description
Group 1 distance to base station: < 100 m
Group 2 distance to base station: 100 - < 200 m
Group 3 distance to base station: 200 - < 300 m
Group 4 distance to base station: 300 - < 400 m
Reference group 5 control group: distance to base station: ≥ 400 m; mean field: 0.18 V/m
Group 6 group 1 and group 2 (distance to base station < 200 m): mean field: 1.17 V/m
Group 7 group 3 and group 4 (distance to base station 200 - < 400 m): mean field: 0.7 V/m


Study size

Type Value
Eligible 1,080
Participants 255
Participation rate 23 %
Statistical analysis method:

Results (acc. to author)

A significant correlation was found dependent on dose-effects for sleep disturbances, depressions, cerebral symptoms, joint illnesses, infections, skin changes, cardiovascular disorders, and disorders of the optical and acoustic sensory systems and the gastro-intestinal tract with the residential proximity to the base station. The authors explain this relationship with the influence of microwaves on the human nervous system.

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