Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation med./bio.

Published in: Int J Radiat Biol 1996; 69 (4): 513-521

Aim of study (acc. to author)

To investigate the effects of acute exposure to pulsed and continuous-wave 2450 MHz radiofrequency irradiation on DNA strand breaks in brain cells of rat.



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 2,450 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: continuous for 2 h
  • power density: 2 mW/cm² spatial average
  • SAR: 1.2 W/kg average over mass (whole body) ([Chou et al., 1984])
Exposure 2: 2,450 MHz
Modulation type: CW
Exposure duration: continuous for 2 h
  • power density: 2 mW/cm² spatial average
  • SAR: 1.2 W/kg average over mass (whole body) ([Chou et al., 1984])

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 2,450 MHz
  • guided field
  • circular
Exposure duration continuous for 2 h
Modulation type pulsed
Pulse width 2 µs
Repetition frequency 500 Hz
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Setup The cylindrical waveguide system [Guy et al., 1979] consisted of individual exposure tubes made of galvanised wire screen that contained a plastic chamber (with a floor of glass rods) to house a rat allowed to move freely.
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
power density 2 mW/cm² spatial average unspecified - -
SAR 1.2 W/kg average over mass cf. remarks whole body [Chou et al., 1984]

Exposure 2

Main characteristics
Frequency 2,450 MHz
  • guided field
  • circular
Exposure duration continuous for 2 h
Modulation type CW
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
power density 2 mW/cm² spatial average unspecified - -
SAR 1.2 W/kg average over mass cf. remarks whole body [Chou et al., 1984]

Reference articles

  • Chou CK et al. (1985): Specific absorption rate in rats exposed to 2,450-MHz microwaves under seven exposure conditions
  • Chou CK et al. (1984): SAR in rats exposed in 2,450-MHz circularly polarized waveguides
  • Lai H et al. (1984): Effects of acute low-level microwaves on pentobarbital-induced hypothermia depend on exposure orientation
  • Guy AW et al. (1979): Circularly polarized 2450 MHz waveguide system for chronic exposure of small animals to microwaves

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Investigated organ system:
Time of investigation:
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

An increase in both types of DNA breaks was observed after exposure to either the pulsed or continuous-wave radiation, but no significant difference was observed between the effects of the two forms of radiation.

Study character:

Study funded by

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