研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[ヒト皮膚灌流に対する携帯電話の無線周波電波の影響は非熱的か?] med./bio.

Is the effect of mobile phone radiofrequency waves on human skin perfusion non-thermal?

掲載誌: Microcirculation 2013; 20 (7): 629-636

この研究は、無線周波携帯電話電波がヒト皮膚の微小血流を変化させるか否かを、ヒトボランティアで実験した。20人の白人の健常ボランティア(女性12人、男性8 人;平均年齢は25 ± 3.9歳)は、ヘルメット用のホルダーを用いて携帯電話受話器を左耳に軽く当て(通常の通話時の位置)、両側の耳朶から1cmの位置の頬表面にそれぞれレーザドップラー血流計のプローブを装着した。900MHzGSM変調電磁界の最大出力(ピーク値2W、平均値250mW、1/8のデューティサイクルパルス化)でばく露を与えた。ばく露セッション20分、擬似ばく露セッション20分の順はランダムとし、この間の皮膚微小血流皮膚温を連続測定した。その結果、ばく露セッションでは擬似ばく露セッションに比べ、ベースラインに対する微小血流の増分が大きかった;両セッション皮膚温の時間変化に有意な差がなかった;皮膚の微小血管拡張能力は、ばく露セッションの方が擬似ばく露セッションより大きかった、と報告している。

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To study whether skin microcirculation can be modified by exposure to the radiofrequency fields emitted by a mobile phone hold to the jaw and ear.


20 volunteers participated (12 women, 8 men; 25 ± 3.9 years). The exposure and sham exposure sessions were performed in random order.
A heat challenge was performed 25 minutes after the end of exposure by locally heating both sides of the face to 44°C for 1 minute, followed by a 30 minute period for the return to baseline. This hyperthermia induced local hyperaemia, which reflects the skin microvessels' ability to dilate in response to heating.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 20 min


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 20 min
Modulation type pulsed
Duty cycle 12.5 %
  • セルラ-電話
  • Nokia 6650
ばく露装置の詳細 "radiofrequency" or "sham" mobile phone was positioned against the left ear (using a helmet-like holder); phone was placed with its long axis aligned from the opening of the ear canal to the corner of the mouth
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information room temperature was kept constant at 24 ± 0.6°C
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力 2 W peak - - -
電力 250 mW mean - - -
SAR 0.49 W/kg maximum 測定値および計算値 10 g -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • 感覚器
  • skin
  • ばく露前
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


For a given side of the face, the radiofrequency exposure and sham exposure sessions did not differ significantly in terms of the skin microcirculation (according to the results). According to the abstract and discussion however, skin microcirculation increased more during the radiofrequency exposure session (vs. baseline) than during the sham exposure. The sessions (exposure vs. sham exposure) did not differ significantly in terms of the skin temperature time-course response.
When heating the skin locally to 44°C (on both sides of the face at the same time), the early peak value of skin microcirculation (i.e. the raw data after 1 minute) on the exposed side of the face was significantly greater after the radiofrequency exposure session than after the sham exposure session, i.e. the skin microvessels' vasodilatory ability was greater.
The authors conclude, that the data reveal the existence of a specific vasodilatory effect of mobile phone radiofrequency emission on skin perfusion.


